Workplace Stress Therapy

Your path to a better work-life balance

Manage Your Work Stress with Flowing Mind Therapy

Do you feel the work you are doing isn't good enough? Are you constantly feeling in competition with your peers? Is your workplace taking advantage of you by increasing your responsibilities without compensating you? The workplace environment changes very quickly, and many may believe they do not have any options due to the increased costs of living. As a result, we are silently suffering from high levels of stress.

Workplace Stress Therapy is designed to address the reasons behind job dissatisfaction. It will allow you to discuss why you might feel stuck in your role, deal with perfectionism and imposter syndrome, as well as manage workplace relationships.

At Flowing Mind Therapy, we understand the challenges that are causing you workplace stress. Our therapy services are designed to help you manage stress at work and achieve a better work-life balance. We offer a range of solutions designed to address the unique needs you are experiencing while supporting you with skills, coping mechanisms, and the reassurance you are not alone as we build a pathway to a brighter sense of well-being in your professional career.

Symptoms of Job Stress:

  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and muscle tension

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Increased irritability or mood swings

  • Lack of motivation or interest in work

  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping

  • Loss of appetite or overeating

  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control

  • Avoiding work or procrastinating

  • Developing negative attitudes or perceptions towards work or colleagues 

Benefits of Workplace Counselling:

  • Increased self-awareness and understanding of personal stress triggers

  • Development of healthy coping skills to manage job-related stressors

  • Enhanced communication skills to better navigate workplace relationships and conflicts

  • Improved work-life balance and a reduction in job burnout

  • Increased job satisfaction, performance, and engagement

  • Enhanced overall well-being, physical health, and quality of life

Workplace Stress Therapy Focus Areas 

Flowing Mind Therapy can help you build resilience and cope more effectively with job stress, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying work experience. You can expect a supportive environment where we work together to find a career path that leads to your success. Here are some of the areas we can focus on:

  • Values-Based Career Planning

    You can reduce stress about your professional development by understanding your personal values and finding career opportunities aligned with them. Together, we will explore your values, identify disconnections between your job and these values, and then figure out how to bridge those gaps for a more fulfilling and motivating work experience.

  • Self-Esteem Building

    Your workplace abilities, as well as your personal life, depending on building the foundation that boosts your self-esteem. We will examine your underlying negative beliefs and thought patterns that may affect your self-esteem. During the process, we identify self-talk and self-perception that help you feel empowered and capable in your job, and counteract any feelings of self-doubt.

  • Effective Communication Skills

    Communication is critical to managing and flowing through a successful workplace. So much of our stress in the professional setting is due to miscommunication that harms relationships and leads to conflicts. We will help you develop more effective communication skills, so you build on and better manage relationships with your coworkers, management team, and investors. This can lead to a greater sense of job satisfaction.

  • Anxiety Management

    Anxiety can sneak up when you least expect it, even in a professional setting. Let’s work to develop coping strategies and techniques to reduce the potential impact of anxiety, so you feel more in control and less overwhelmed by the demands of your job. This can include a greater focus on mindfulness and practicing essential relaxation techniques.

  • Work-Life Balance

    We spend so much time at our jobs that finding that proper work-life balance can be challenging. Sometimes all it takes is a third party to bounce your needs and worries from to get clarity. Other times you need the support of strategies to manage your time better, prioritize your personal life, and overcome those feelings of burnout, so you have a more rewarding life experience.

Ready to Get Started?

At Flowing Mind Therapy, we're committed to helping you manage work stress and achieve a happier, more fulfilling life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.